We design and supply street light automation controller. These street light automation controllers are pre-programmed to switch on and off the street lights at pre defined time schedules. You can install these street light automation devices inside the existing panels. Connect the lighting load of a street through the auxilliary relay contacts. The operation of the street lights can be monitoried online live and in real time from any location through a web browser.
We can also programe the street light automation controller to suit your switching cycles. These street light automation devices come with built-in GPS clock. The street light automation devices are fitted with wireless GSM/GPRS module for remote configuration, monitoring and control from a smart phone or laptop or PC.
- Street light automation controller helps in energy saving and management
- All the street lights are switched on & off automatically at a preset time by installing street light automation controller
- By installing street light automation controller the roads & streets are well lit as lights are switched on when there is actual requirement of light when there is dark.
- Wireless Street light automation controller also helps in remote monitoring of lights and hence immediate action is possible if there is a problem or failure in any of the street lights.
- By installing street light automation controller, we can easily monitor the working of street lights from a central control room
- Automatic street light controller helps in remote power management of street lights
- Maintenance of street lights is easy after installing street light automation controller as we can easily find out out the defective circuits and take immediate actions to repair it
- Remote monitoring and control of street lights is possible by installing automatic street light controller
- Automatic log sheet generation and management is possible after installing street light automation controller
- You can have a live monitoring of electrical parameters of the street light circuits by installing street light automation controller as it displays - voltage, frequency, current, power factor, KW, KWH, KVA and KVAH. All this data is sent to central control room PC through GSM/GPRS communication
- GSM/GPRS based street light automation controllers helps in remote monitoring and control of street lights. The system is connected to central server PC through SCADA software.