- Refined petroleum products;
- Aviation gasolines and jet fuels;
- A wide variety of products such as: liquid sugars, corn
syrup, corn sweeteners, dextrose, fructose,
- sucrose, maltose, lactose, corn oil, soy bean oil, cotton
seed oil, coconut oil;
- Treated waters (deionized, demineralized, and potable);
- Chlorinated solvents and general solvent metering;
- Acid pH liquids;
- Liquefied petroleum gas(LPG);
- Crude oil, also for heated and/or viscous liquids;
- Oil or water based latex products, polyester resins, and
adhesives (neutral pH), also for metering herbicides and nitrogen fertilizer
- Herbicide;
- Sodium hydroxide (caustic) solutions, high sulfur crude oil
(LACT and NOD) and other alkaline pH liquids;
- Abrasive liquids.
- Excellent stepless adjusting mechine
- High accuracy and repeatability over the widest range of
flow Superior accuracy at constant flow
- Low maintenance, no metaltometal contact in measuring chamber,
Long life service
- Low pressure loss, a true gravity flow meter
- Accuracy regardless of pressure fluctuations, temperature
variation, viscosity
- Choice of aluminum, cast iron, brass and stainless steel
materials of construction.
Industries Serving:
Automotive , Adhesives , Agriculture , Asphalt , Aviation
fueling , Animal feeds , Beverage , Cosmetics , Chemical processing , Concrete
add mixtures , Dairy , Liquid fertilizers , Food processing , Fuel oil delivery
, General industrial , Hydrocarbon processing , Liquefied gases , Lube oils ,
Marine , Paint and varnish , Petroleum marketing , Petroleum production ,
Pharmaceutical , Printing ink , Pulp &paper , Refining commercial Solvents
, Recycling , Railroad , Textile.
Technical Specification :
Model : M-40-1 M-50-1 M-80-1 M-100-1 M-150-1
Size : 40mm/1.5″ 50mm/2″ 80mm/3″ 100mm/4″ 150mm/6″
Flow Range(L/min) : 25-250 38-380 75-750 130-1300 225-2250
Volume Per Revolution :0.309L 0.681L 1.839L 5.102L 9.507L
Max.Pressure : 10Bar/150PSI
Accuracy : ±0.2%
Repeatability : 0.05%
Standard Measurement : Liter/US
Gallon/IMP Gallon
Meter Body : Aluminum,
Cast Iron, Stainless Steel
Seal & Gasket : Buna"N",Viton,Teflon
Strainer Mesh : 80 for
Diesel,40 for Gasoline
End Connections : NPT,
BSPT, ANSI Flanged, Slip Weld available