GSM/GPRS Based pump controller/Automation system from
PELTEK is Remote Control and Maintenance solution for Pump
hosues,Pump stations & wastewater pump stations. It controls
water pumps to maintain water level within normal limits. System detects
variety of abnormal pump station conditions and sends alarm messages
immediately to Internet SCADA and to service men's GSM (Mobile) phones.
When water level exceeds the defined/Fixed high level limit, the pump
station is commanded to stop pumping. System calculates the pump's efficiency
curve, which can be analyzed in the internet SCADA view. The efficiency curve
shows situation when pump is slowly jamming or wearing.
Pumps operation times and counts can be analyzed in SCADA's diagrams. Abnormal
situations can be seen. Using the pump's power consumption factor, approximate
power consumption and costs can be calculated. Energy consumption can be
calculated accurately if the pumping station is equipped with energy meter with
pulse output or modbus interface. Diagrams can be seen in SCADA. Alarms are
send immediately to SCADA and can be forwarded automatically to on service
man's GSM-phone or e-mail or TROUBLE TICKET maintenance work system.
User can login to the system with normal Web browser to see alarm, diagrams,
trends, process views, print reports etc. from any PC or from Internet capable
Mobile phone.
From the pumping station HMI display, service man can check the water level,
pumps operating counts & times and possible abnormal situations. Service
man can set pumps start / stop / alarms levels from the HMI or SCADA (Web
browser). This system can works everywhere through internet.
The previous pump is controlled to stop pumping if the water level increases to
the high level limit. Communicates using GSM / GPRS networks.
Alarms , Emails and maintenance reports to/from GSM phone
Remote Control Operation: User can send commands from the web
browser or SCADA application to the remote pump house to switch on/off montors.
Switching can also be done from the mobile phone. You get a response SMS for
every action.
Data Storage & Monitoring: The data is stored on server for
analysis & report generation . Server is hosted (24/7/365). Customer
doesn't need to investments on server PC and its maintenance tasks.Customer can
see status of their remote targets, print monthly reports, analyze
productivity, check maintenance.browse alarm views, trend views, process
picture views, target control views, report views, trouble ticket
Features in SCADA
. Fault diagnostics and reports
. Days min/max values
. Hourly averages
. Pump efficiency bargraph curve
. Pumps operating counts & times day, week, month, year diagrams.
. Power consumption day, week, month, year diagrams
. Flow rates day, week, month, year diagrams
. All information can be read to EXCEL for own reports etc..